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Virtual and Augmented Reality are technologies that facilitate
the daily aspects of life, optimize and improve learning e
allow to reconstruct situations impossible to live in reality,
in total safety.
This we create: experiences that improve life.

Virtual and Augmented Reality are technologies that facilitate
the daily aspects of life, optimize and improve learning e
allow to reconstruct situations impossible to live in reality,
in total safety.
This we create: experiences that improve life.

Virtual and Augmented Reality are technologies that facilitate
the daily aspects of life, optimize and improve learning e
allow to reconstruct situations impossible to live in reality,
in total safety.
This we create: experiences that improve life.


The in-house design and the inspection are two connected and essential moments to translate the
customer requests into a concrete application proposal. 

In fact, during the inspection in Sabbioneta, photographic documentation was collected and testimonies and anecdotes about the theater were listened to.

The collected materials were examined by the two architects of the Hybrid Reality team, with the aim of identifying the most interesting historical and architectural elements to tell and developing an initial content summary,
which was subsequently modified and refined based on customer feedback until the final draft.



Once the project has been outlined, we proceed with the photographic survey phase, which is fundamental for the digital reconstruction of the environments. 

and to guarantee maximum historical fidelity and the best immersive experience, 
Particular attention was paid to the cavea, the peristyle above and the crowning
of statues of deities. The photos collected were used, together with the theater plans, for a first reconstruction of the 3D model.



The rough 3D model obtained in the phase
of the photographic survey was processed with specific 3D modeling software.

 Specifically, they are
textures and UV maps were added (created thanks to the photos, collected during the survey phase, of the different materials present in the theatre). Finally, animations of the human models have been added
inserted, whose clothing was specifically modeled to be consistent with the historical periods represented. Parallel to the phase of
modeling, a series of tests were carried out to verify that the AR application was working correctly, that is, if the element chosen to initialize the simulation (the theater staircase) was a good trigger and made the digital elements appear in the right place. To reduce the number of inspections for testing, a miniature reproduction of the theater's staircase was 3D printed.



The application was completed using the Vuforia plug-in from Unity, it allows you to visualize the different uses that the theater has assumed in different eras.
In addition to immersing the user in the highlights of the
past of the theatre, the application allows on the one hand to enrich the visit by providing visual aids that focus attention on barely visible details, and on the other to show architectural elements
now lost.

For example, you can view the names of

deities of the statues present above the colonnade (1590) and see the overturned ship's hull false ceiling, originally built and no longer present today, of which only the coffered ceiling remains below.


Every digital reconstruction needs activation trigger to start
the augmented reality experience.The peculiarity of this project is that
QR codes were not used to "activate" the application
external usually used to bring up the simulation and "anchor" it into the
point of interest.

For the digital theater of Sabbioneta it was instead chosen to use an architectural element
already present (the staircase) as a "hook" for the insertion of augmented digital contents.
This technical choice improves the usability and immersiveness of the experience
because it is not limited to classic triggers that react with 2D images on
images - QRcode - with the recognition of a specific plan for
function but instead exploit a specific architectural element, part
integral and tangible aspect of the Theatre.

Virtual and Augmented Reality are technologies that facilitate
the daily aspects of life, optimize and improve learning e
allow to reconstruct situations impossible to live in reality,
in total safety.
This we create: experiences that improve life.

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