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Virtual and Augmented Reality are technologies that facilitate
the daily aspects of life, optimize and improve learning e
allow to reconstruct situations impossible to live in reality,
in total safety.
This we create: experiences that improve life.
Video 360 allestimento NEXT Lusso
Configuratore interni veicolo NExT
- Evento privato KM Rosso -

Realtà Virtuale fotorealistica
Ambiente VR interattivo

Mostra interattiva Palazzo Thun Trento
Fiera ComVac Hannover - MTA S.p.A.
Marcolin trade on collezione occhiali primavera estate
Virtual and Augmented Reality are technologies that facilitate
the daily aspects of life, optimize and improve learning e
allow to reconstruct situations impossible to live in reality,
in total safety.
This we create: experiences that improve life.
Virtual and Augmented Reality are technologies that facilitate
the daily aspects of life, optimize and improve learning e
allow to reconstruct situations impossible to live in reality,
in total safety.
This we create: experiences that improve life.
Video FOOH inizio Carnevale Venezia
Thanks to an experiential training process you will be able to obtain better cognitive responses in dangerous situations.

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